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Set Data Types

Assisted Modeling sets the data type for each feature. It displays a recommended data type in the Data Type column. The recommended option is labeled (for example, Numeric (Recommended)).

  1. Select a feature to view info about it in the Column Details section. There, you can see Data Type Probabilities, which displays how confident Assisted Modeling is that a feature is a certain data type. You can also see a Preview, which contains a sample of the data. Use this info to make sure data types are set correctly.
  2. If a feature is the wrong data type, use the dropdown in the Data Type column to select the correct data type.
  3. Select Next to go to Step 3: Clean Up Missing Values.


If you're unsure what a term means, check the Glossary section in Assisted Modeling. The section contains helpful info about many of the common terms used by data scientists.