Formula Tool

The Formula tool creates a new column, or updates a column, using one or more expressions to perform a variety of calculations and operations. See Functions for a list of functions to use when building an expression.

Use the Formula tool to:

  • Apply conditional statements
  • Convert numbers and strings
  • Format dates
  • Extract file paths
  • Apply financial algorithms or mathematical calculations
  • Find minimum and maximum values
  • Analyze spatial data
  • Cleanse string data
  • Perform validation tests on data

Visit the Alteryx Community Tool Mastery series to learn even more about this and other tools.

Configure the tool

  1. In the Configuration window, select an Output Column of data in Select Column; choose an existing column or add a new column.

  2. Click the expression editor and build an expression. Once the workflow has been run, the Data Preview box displays the first row of data from the specified column with the expression applied.

Because this tool includes an expression editor, an additional input anchor displays when the tool is used in an app or macro workflow. Use the Interface tools to connect to a Question anchor. See Interface Tools.