
Classes allow you to control data and determine functionality, bundling them together for easy control. For more information on Python classes, see Python documentation.

The following classes can be used when creating custom tools.

AyxPlugin allows you to instantiate objects, create functionality that connects to the user interface, and manage data flow. See AyxPlugin.

AlteryxEngine allows you to retrieve information from the Alteryx engine, such as variable values or messages, and to sort data on incoming data connections. See AlteryxEngine.

Field allows you to retrieve or change values with different get and set methods for different data types. See Field.

OutputAnchor allows you to access the output anchor and data connection, which includes methods to determine the record count, push records to the outgoing stream, or close the outgoing stream. See OutputAnchor.

OutputAnchorManager allows you to access a specified output anchor. See OutputAnchorManager.

RecordCopier allows you to duplicate an existing record, which can be used with RecordRef to create new records that match the existing dataset. See RecordCopier.

RecordCreator allows you to create empty records. See RecordCreator.

RecordInfo allows you to access data within a record and manipulate the information. See RecordInfo.